Godfall (Deluxe Edition)
  • Godfall (Deluxe Edition)

Godfall (Deluxe Edition)


34.25 €

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Godfall (Deluxe Edition) - An Epic Action RPG Adventure for PlayStation 5

Embark on an Epic Journey in Godfall (Deluxe Edition)

Experience the thrill of epic battles and become a legendary warrior in Godfall (Deluxe Edition) for PlayStation 5. This visually stunning action role-playing game takes you to the world of Aperion, a land on the verge of collapse. As one of the last Valorian knights, your mission is to prevent the apocalyptic event known as the "Red Rain" from consuming the realm.

Unleash Your Inner Warrior with Stunning Graphics and Immersive Gameplay

Featuring breathtaking graphics powered by the Unreal Engine 4, Godfall (Deluxe Edition) delivers an unparalleled visual experience on the PlayStation 5. Immerse yourself in the vibrant and dynamic world of Aperion, where every blade swing, spell cast, and enemy encounter feels realistic and impactful.

The Power of Valorplates: Customize and Dominate the Battlefield

In Godfall (Deluxe Edition), you have the ability to don powerful Valorplates, legendary armor sets that grant you immense strength and unique abilities. Choose from a variety of awe-inspiring Valorplates, each representing a different zodiac sign, and customize your playstyle to suit your preferences and combat strategy.

Engage in Intense Combat: Master Weapons and Skills

Prepare to engage in thrilling and fast-paced combat as you wield a wide range of weapon classes, from dual blades to massive polearms. Master your chosen weapons and unlock devastating skills to unleash upon your enemies. Combine light and heavy attacks, perform seamless combos, and execute powerful finishers to overwhelm even the fiercest foes.

Explore a Rich and Dynamic World: Discover Hidden Treasures and Secrets

Venture into the realms of Aperion and uncover its mysteries as you explore stunning environments filled with hidden treasures and secrets. From ancient ruins to majestic castles, each location is meticulously crafted, offering a sense of wonder and discovery at every turn. Prepare to be captivated by the breathtaking landscapes and intricate level designs.

Cooperative Multiplayer: Join Forces with Friends

Experience the thrill of cooperative multiplayer in Godfall (Deluxe Edition). Team up with friends or other players online and conquer challenging quests and missions together. Coordinate your strategies, combine your powers, and emerge victorious as you take on powerful bosses and formidable enemies.

Deluxe Edition Bonuses: Exclusive Content for Extra Adventure

The Godfall (Deluxe Edition) includes exclusive content that enhances your gaming experience. With the Deluxe Edition, you'll receive the base game along with the Valorplate skins for Silvermane, Phoenix, and Greyhawk, as well as the Gold Weapon Pack. Stand out on the battlefield and showcase your unique style with these exclusive bonuses.

Best Practices: How to Make the Most of Godfall (Deluxe Edition)

  • Customize Your Playstyle: Experiment with different Valorplates and weapon combinations to discover your preferred playstyle. Adapt your strategy based on the enemy type and encounter.
  • Master Weapon Techniques: Take the time to learn the ins and outs of each weapon class. Practice your timing and combos to maximize your damage output and efficiency in combat.
  • Explore Thoroughly: Don't rush through the world of Aperion. Take the time to explore every nook and cranny, as you never know what hidden treasures or secrets you might find.
  • Coordinate with Your Team: In multiplayer mode, communication and coordination are key. Strategize with your teammates, assign roles, and work together to overcome difficult challenges.
  • Upgrade Your Gear: Keep an eye out for new weapons and armor pieces to enhance your stats and abilities. Upgrade your gear regularly to stay ahead of the increasingly powerful enemies.

    FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can I play Godfall (Deluxe Edition) on PlayStation 4?
    No, Godfall (Deluxe Edition) is exclusively available for PlayStation 5.

  • Is the Deluxe Edition worth it compared to the standard edition?
    Yes, the Deluxe Edition offers exclusive content such as Valorplate skins and the Gold Weapon Pack, providing additional customization options and enhancing your gameplay experience.

  • How many players can participate in multiplayer mode?
    Godfall (Deluxe Edition) supports up to three players in online multiplayer mode.

  • Is there a single-player campaign in Godfall (Deluxe Edition)?
    Yes, players can enjoy the full single-player campaign experience in Godfall (Deluxe Edition).

  • Can I change Valorplates during gameplay?
    Yes, you can switch between different Valorplates at any time, allowing you to adapt your playstyle to different challenges.

  • Will there be post-launch content for Godfall (Deluxe Edition)?
    Yes, the developers have plans to release additional content and updates for Godfall (Deluxe Edition to keep the game fresh and exciting.

  • Can I replay missions and quests in Godfall (Deluxe Edition)?
    Yes, you can revisit completed missions and quests to further hone your skills and obtain additional rewards.

  • Are there difficulty settings in Godfall (Deluxe Edition)?
    Yes, Godfall (Deluxe Edition) offers different difficulty settings, allowing players to choose their preferred level of challenge.

  • Does Godfall (Deluxe Edition) require an internet connection to play?
    An internet connection is required for the multiplayer mode, but the single-player campaign can be played offline.

  • Is Godfall (Deluxe Edition) suitable for players new to action RPGs?
    Yes, Godfall (Deluxe Edition) offers a balanced and accessible gameplay experience that can be enjoyed by both newcomers and veterans of the genre.
New product

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation 5 - Games - Deluxe Edition
PlayStation 5
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Gearbox Publishing
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 16 Jahren
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    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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