Sniper Elite v2 Remastered
  • Sniper Elite v2 Remastered

Sniper Elite v2 Remastered


19.25 €

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Sniper Elite v2 Remastered - Take Aim and Master the Art of Sniping


Experience the ultimate sniping adventure with Sniper Elite v2 Remastered. This highly anticipated game takes you back to the intense battlefields of World War II as you embark on a mission to stop a devastating Nazi V2 rocket program. With enhanced graphics, updated features, and improved gameplay, this remastered edition brings the iconic stealth shooter to a whole new level.


1. Manufacturer's Warranty: 36 Meses

  • Rest assured knowing that your copy of Sniper Elite v2 Remastered is backed by a 36-month warranty.

    2. Format: Fisico
  • Get your hands on a physical copy of the game, allowing you to add it to your collection and enjoy the tangible experience.

    3. Gender: PlayStation 4 - Games - 505 Games - Third Person Shooter - Standard
  • This game is designed for the PlayStation 4 platform, classified under the genre of third-person shooters.
  • Immerse yourself in intense action-packed gameplay as you become an elite sniper taking down enemies from a distance.

    4. Pegi: 16+
  • Sniper Elite v2 Remastered is rated for players aged 16 and above, ensuring mature content and intense gameplay.

    5. Platform: PlayStation 4
  • Specifically designed for the PlayStation 4 console, Sniper Elite v2 Remastered fully utilizes the capabilities of this gaming system.

    6. Language on Back Cover: English
  • The back cover of the game includes all relevant information in English, enabling easy understanding and navigation.

    7. Language in the Game (Audio): English, German, Spanish, French, Italian
  • Enjoy the game with audio options available in multiple languages such as English, German, Spanish, French, and Italian.

    8. Language in the Game (Subtitles): Simplified Chinese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Traditional Chinese
  • Language options for subtitles include Simplified Chinese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Japanese, and Traditional Chinese.
  • This ensures a global audience can fully understand and enjoy the game.

    9. Game Name: Sniper Elite v2 Remastered
  • The title of the game clearly represents its genre and sets the expectations for an enhanced sniping experience.

    10. Editor: Rebellion Software
  • Developed by Rebellion Software, known for their expertise in creating immersive and thrilling gaming experiences.

    11. Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 16 Jahren
  • The USK rating equivalent for Sniper Elite v2 Remastered is classified as suitable for players aged 16 and above.

    12. Factory Sealing: If and translate them in English
  • Rest assured knowing that your copy will be factory-sealed, guaranteeing its authenticity and pristine condition.

    Take Your Sniping Skills to the Next Level

    Sniper Elite v2 Remastered immerses you in the heart-pounding action of World War II. As an elite sniper, your mission is to prevent the Nazis from developing their deadly V2 rocket program. With improved graphics and enhanced gameplay, you'll feel every shot as you take aim at your targets.

    The game provides a wide range of tactical strategies, allowing you to choose different approaches for each mission. Whether you prefer a stealthy approach or a more aggressive playstyle, Sniper Elite v2 Remastered caters to your unique sniping style. Utilize your surroundings, plan your shots carefully, and exploit enemy weaknesses to complete your missions with precision.

    Unleash the Power of the Sniper

    Sniper Elite v2 Remastered offers an arsenal of authentic World War II-era weapons at your disposal. From the iconic sniper rifles to pistols and explosives, you have the tools needed to eliminate your targets with deadly accuracy. Use the environment to your advantage, utilizing realistic ballistics and bullet penetration mechanics to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.

    Stunning Visuals and Enhanced Graphics

    The remastered edition of Sniper Elite v2 brings the game's visuals to new heights. The updated graphics take full advantage of modern gaming technology, ensuring immersive and realistic environments. Witness the destruction caused by your expertly placed shots with the game's renowned X-ray kill cam, showcasing bone-shattering detail as you watch your bullets tear through your targets.

    Best Practices and Expert Advice

  • Master the art of sniping: Practice your aim and learn how to account for bullet drop and wind resistance. Patience and precision are key to becoming a master sniper.
  • Plan your approach: Study the map and identify vantage points and possible escape routes. Having a plan before engaging your targets will significantly increase your chances of success.
  • Use distractions to your advantage: Create diversions and draw enemies away from your intended target. This will give you more opportunity to strike without being detected.
  • Upgrade your arsenal: Earn currency throughout the game to upgrade your weapons and equipment. Investing in upgrades will give you a significant advantage during tougher missions.
  • Patience is a virtue: Take your time to assess the situation and carefully plan your shots. Rushing can lead to mistakes and compromise your mission objectives.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Q: Can I play Sniper Elite v2 Remastered on other gaming platforms?
    • A: Sniper Elite v2 Remastered is specifically designed for the PlayStation 4 platform.

  • Q: Does the game support multiplayer mode?
    • A: Yes, Sniper Elite v2 Remastered offers an exciting multiplayer mode where you can test your sniping skills against other players online.

  • Q: Are there any DLCs available for Sniper Elite v2 Remastered?
    • A: Yes, additional content is available for purchase to expand your gaming experience with new missions and characters.

  • Q: Is the game suitable for players under the age of 16?
    • A: Sniper Elite v2 Remastered is rated for players aged 16 and above due to its mature content and intense gameplay.

  • Q: What languages are available in Sniper Elite v2 Remastered?
    • A: The game supports multiple languages for both audio and subtitles, including English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, Polish, Russian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese.

  • Q: Can I play Sniper Elite v2 Remastered without an internet connection?
    • A: Yes, you can enjoy the single-player campaign without an internet connection. However, multiplayer modes will require an internet connection.

  • Q: Is Sniper Elite v2 Remastered a first-person shooter or a third-person shooter?
    • A: Sniper Elite v2 Remastered is primarily a third-person shooter with a focus on long-range sniping.

  • Q: Can I customize my character in Sniper Elite v2 Remastered?
    • A: While the game does not offer extensive character customization, you can choose different loadouts and weapons to suit your playstyle.

  • Q: Does Sniper Elite v2 Remastered include any bonus content?
    • A: Yes, the remastered edition includes all the DLC content released for the original game, providing additional missions and challenges.

  • Q: What is the recommended difficulty level for beginners?
    • A: For beginners, it is recommended to start with the lower difficulty levels to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics and gradually increase the challenge as you progress.

  • Q: Is Sniper Elite v2 Remastered suitable for players who haven't played the previous Sniper Elite games?
    • A: Absolutely! Sniper Elite v2 Remastered offers a standalone experience, allowing new players to jump into the action without any prior knowledge of the series.
New product

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation 4 - Games - 505 Games - Third Person Shooter - Standard
PlayStation 4
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Rebellion Software
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 16 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

  • Click here to get more details

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