Gears of War 4
  • Gears of War 4

Gears of War 4


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Gears of War 4: The Ultimate Action-Packed Xbox One Game

Gear up for an epic battle with Gears of War 4! This highly acclaimed action-packed game is a must-have for any Xbox One owner who craves intense gameplay and thrilling adventures. With its stunning graphics, gripping storyline, and adrenaline-pumping action sequences, this game will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The manufacturer's warranty of Gears of War 4 is 36 months, so you can be assured of its quality and durability. This physical format version of the game comes with English language options on the back cover, making it accessible to a wide range of players. The Pegi rating of 18+ ensures that this game is suitable for adult gamers who enjoy intense and mature content.

Gears of War 4

Immerse Yourself in the Gritty World of Gears of War 4

  • Platform: Xbox One
  • Game Name: Gears of War 4
  • Release Date: 2016-10-11
  • Editor: Microsoft

    Step into the shoes of JD Fenix, the son of legendary war hero Marcus Fenix, as he fights against a new threat to humanity. The game takes place 25 years after the events of the original trilogy, and the world has changed dramatically. Join JD and his friends as they navigate through challenging environments, engage in intense firefights, and uncover the dark secrets of Sera.

    A Visual Feast for Your Eyes

    With its stunning graphics and attention to detail, Gears of War 4 brings the world of Sera to life like never before. From lush forests to war-torn cities, every location is beautifully rendered and filled with intricate details. Whether you're fighting off hordes of enemies or exploring hidden corners of the map, you'll be amazed by the level of visual fidelity and realism.

    Action-Packed Gameplay

    Gears of War 4 offers a thrilling mix of intense third-person shooter action and strategic gameplay. Engage in heart-pounding firefights against the Swarm, a new enemy faction determined to wipe out humanity. Take cover, use your arsenal of weapons, and work together with your squadmates to overcome challenging obstacles and defeat powerful bosses. The game also introduces new gameplay mechanics, such as close-cover combat and windflares, which add another layer of excitement to the battles.

    Multiplayer Madness

    Challenge your friends or team up with them in thrilling multiplayer modes. Whether you prefer competitive gameplay or cooperative missions, Gears of War 4 has something for everyone. Engage in fast-paced, adrenaline-fueled matches in Versus mode, or join forces with friends in Horde mode to fight against waves of increasingly difficult enemies. With a variety of maps, weapons, and customization options, the multiplayer experience is endless.

    Expert Advice and Tips

    To get the most out of your Gears of War 4 experience, here are some expert tips and advice:

  1. Take cover: Utilize the game's cover system to protect yourself from enemy fire and strategically plan your attacks.
  2. Communicate with your squad: In multiplayer modes, communication is key. Coordinate your actions with your teammates to gain the upper hand.
  3. Experiment with different weapons: Each weapon has its own strengths and weaknesses. Try out different combinations to find the ones that suit your playstyle.
  4. Upgrade your skills: As you progress through the game, earn experience points and upgrade your skills to become a more formidable warrior.
  5. Explore the environment: Don't just rush into battles blindly. Take the time to explore the surroundings and uncover hidden secrets and collectibles.
  6. Master the active reload: Perfecting the active reload mechanic can give you a significant advantage in combat. Time your reloads correctly to unleash more damage.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Can I play Gears of War 4 on Xbox One S?
    • Yes, Gears of War 4 is fully compatible with Xbox One S.

  • Is Gears of War 4 a single-player or multiplayer game?
    • Gears of War 4 offers both a compelling single-player campaign and exciting multiplayer modes.

  • Do I need to play the previous Gears of War games to understand the story in Gears of War 4?
    • While knowledge of the previous games will enhance your understanding of the story, Gears of War 4 is designed to be accessible to newcomers as well.

  • What is the age rating for Gears of War 4?
    • Gears of War 4 has a Pegi rating of 18+, making it suitable for adult gamers.

  • Can I change the language settings in Gears of War 4?
    • Yes, Gears of War 4 offers multiple language options for both audio and subtitles.

  • Is Gears of War 4 an open-world game?
    • No, Gears of War 4 follows a linear narrative but offers large and immersive environments to explore.

  • Does Gears of War 4 have a cooperative mode?
    • Yes, Gears of War 4 features cooperative gameplay in both the campaign and Horde mode.

  • Can I customize my character in Gears of War 4?
    • While Gears of War 4 does not offer extensive character customization, you can unlock different skins and cosmetic items for your characters.

  • Is Gears of War 4 available on other platforms besides Xbox One?
    • No, Gears of War 4 is exclusive to Xbox One and Windows 10.

  • Does Gears of War 4 have microtransactions?
    • Yes, Gears of War 4 offers optional microtransactions for cosmetic items and loot crates.
New product

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
Xbox One - Games - Action - Microsoft - Standard
Xbox One
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 18 Jahren
Factory Sealing
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    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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