Escape Dead Island
  • Escape Dead Island

Escape Dead Island


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Escape Dead Island: A Thrilling Adventure in the World of Zombies

Escape Dead Island

Escape Dead Island is an action-packed survival horror game that will take you on a thrilling journey into the depths of a zombie-infested island. Developed by Deep Silver, this game offers a unique twist to the popular Dead Island franchise.

Key Features

  • Manufacturer's warranty: 36 Meses
  • Format: Fisico
  • Gender: PlayStation 3 - Games - Deep Silver - Horror - Standard
  • Pegi: 18+
  • Platform: PlayStation 3
  • Language on Back Cover: English
  • Language in the Game (Audio): English
  • Language in the Game (Subtitles): German
  • Game Name: Escape Dead Island
  • Release Date: 2014-11-21
  • Editor: Koch Media
  • Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 18 Jahren
  • Factory Sealing: If and translate them in English (English)

    Embark on a Terrifying Adventure

    Escape Dead Island immerses you in a captivating story, where you play as Cliff Calo, a young journalist who sets out to uncover the truth behind the outbreak on the notorious Banoi Island. As you explore the island, you will encounter hordes of bloodthirsty zombies, challenging puzzles, and mysterious secrets waiting to be unraveled.

    Experience the Thrills of Survival Horror

    With its intense gameplay and stunning visuals, Escape Dead Island delivers an adrenaline-pumping survival horror experience like no other. The game combines elements of stealth, combat, and exploration, giving you the freedom to approach challenges in your own style.

    Unleash Your Inner Investigator

    As Cliff, you must gather evidence and piece together the events leading up to the zombie outbreak. Use your investigative skills to uncover the truth behind the enigmatic "Narapela" organization and their connection to the undead. But be careful, as every step you take brings you closer to the brink of madness.

    Utilize Stealth and Strategy

    In Escape Dead Island, survival is not just about killing zombies. To survive, you must utilize stealth tactics and strategic gameplay. Sneak past hordes of zombies, use environmental distractions to your advantage, and choose your battles wisely. Survival depends on your ability to adapt and outsmart your enemies.

    Stunning Visuals and Immersive Sound

    Escape Dead Island boasts stunning cel-shaded graphics that bring the zombie-infested island to life. The vibrant art style adds a unique visual flair to the game, while the immersive sound design puts you right in the middle of the action. Get ready for an intense audiovisual experience like no other.

    Best Practices for Playing Escape Dead Island

  • Explore Every Corner: Take your time to explore every nook and cranny of the island. You never know what secrets or valuable resources you may find.
  • Master the Art of Stealth: Sneaking past zombies can be more effective than engaging in direct combat. Learn how to stay silent and unseen to increase your chances of survival.
  • Manage Resources Wisely: Ammunition and supplies are scarce on the island. Make sure to conserve your resources and use them strategically.
  • Upgrade Your Skills: As you progress through the game, you will earn experience points that can be used to upgrade your skills. Choose your upgrades wisely to enhance your survivability.
  • Pay Attention to Clues: The island is filled with clues and hints that can help you unravel the mystery. Pay close attention to your surroundings and interact with objects to uncover hidden secrets.
  • Don't Underestimate Zombies: Even though they may seem slow and mindless, zombies can still pose a threat if you let your guard down. Stay alert and be prepared for unexpected encounters.

    Escape Dead Island offers a gripping storyline, intense gameplay, and a unique visual style that sets it apart from other zombie games. Immerse yourself in the world of the undead and uncover the truth behind the outbreak. Are you ready to escape the island?

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Can I play Escape Dead Island on PlayStation 4?
    Yes, Escape Dead Island is available for PlayStation 4.

  • Is there multiplayer mode in Escape Dead Island?
    No, Escape Dead Island is a single-player game.

  • How long does it take to complete Escape Dead Island?
    The length of the game depends on the individual player, but on average, it takes around 8-10 hours to complete the main story.

  • Can I play Escape Dead Island without playing the previous Dead Island games?
    Yes, Escape Dead Island is a standalone game and can be enjoyed without playing the previous Dead Island games.

  • Are there different difficulty settings in Escape Dead Island?
    Yes, Escape Dead Island offers different difficulty settings, allowing players to adjust the game's challenge level according to their preferences.

  • Does Escape Dead Island have a save system?
    Yes, Escape Dead Island features an automatic save system that saves your progress at certain checkpoints throughout the game.

  • Can I replay missions in Escape Dead Island?
    No, Escape Dead Island does not allow players to replay individual missions. However, you can start a new game to experience the story again.

  • Is Escape Dead Island a first-person or third-person game?
    Escape Dead Island is a third-person game, allowing players to view the action from behind the protagonist.

  • Are there multiple endings in Escape Dead Island?
    No, Escape Dead Island has a linear storyline with a single ending.

  • Is Escape Dead Island suitable for younger players?
    No, Escape Dead Island is rated PEGI 18+ due to its violent and intense content. It is not recommended for younger players.

  • Can I change the game's language settings in Escape Dead Island?
    Yes, Escape Dead Island allows players to change the language settings for both audio and subtitles.

  • Can I return or exchange the game if it is damaged or defective?
    Yes, if the game arrives damaged or defective, you can contact the manufacturer for a replacement or refund. Please refer to the manufacturer's warranty for more details.
New product

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation 3 - Games - Deep Silver - Horror - Standard
PlayStation 3
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Koch Media
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 18 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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