Dungeon Siege III (3)
  • Dungeon Siege III (3)

Dungeon Siege III (3)


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Dungeon Siege III (3): Unleash Your Inner Hero and Save the Kingdom!

Are you ready to embark on an epic adventure full of mystery, danger, and magic? Look no further than Dungeon Siege III (3), the ultimate role-playing game that will transport you to a fantastical world where heroes are born.

Key Features

  • Manufacturer's warranty: 36 months
  • Format: Physical copy
  • Genre: Roleplaying
  • Platform: Xbox 360
  • PEGI rating: 16+
  • Language on Back Cover: English
  • Language in the Game (Audio): English
  • Game Name: Dungeon Siege III (3)
  • Release Date: June 17, 2011
  • Editor: Square Enix
  • Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 16 Jahren
  • Factory Sealing: If available

    Unleash Your Inner Hero

    Dungeon Siege III (3) is a game that puts you in the shoes of a hero destined to save the kingdom from the forces of evil. With its immersive storyline, stunning graphics, and engaging gameplay, this game will captivate both new players and seasoned RPG enthusiasts.

    A Fully Immersive World

    Step into a world filled with lush landscapes, treacherous dungeons, and ancient ruins. Dungeon Siege III (3) offers a vast open-world environment for you to explore, each area teeming with secrets to uncover and quests to complete. From dark forests to eerie swamps, you'll be immersed in a world that feels alive and vibrant.

    Engaging Combat System

    Get ready for intense battles against hordes of enemies. Dungeon Siege III (3) features a dynamic combat system that allows for seamless switching between melee and ranged attacks. Use powerful spells, devastating combos, and tactical maneuvers to overcome your foes. The adrenaline-pumping combat will keep you on the edge of your seat.

    Build Your Hero

    Customize your hero to suit your playstyle. With four unique character classes to choose from, each with their own distinct abilities and playstyles, you'll have the freedom to create a hero that reflects your personality. Whether you prefer to be a fierce warrior, a cunning rogue, a wise mage, or a master marksman, Dungeon Siege III (3) has you covered.

    Cooperative Gameplay

    Invite your friends to join the fight! Dungeon Siege III (3) offers seamless multiplayer co-op, allowing you to team up with up to three other players. Work together to defeat powerful bosses, complete challenging quests, and reap the rewards of teamwork. The cooperative gameplay adds a new layer of excitement and strategic depth to the game.

    Stunning Visuals

    Prepare to be blown away by the breathtaking graphics of Dungeon Siege III (3). The game's stunning visuals bring the world to life with detailed environments, realistic lighting effects, and incredible character designs. Immerse yourself in a visually stunning experience that will leave you in awe.

    Best Practices

  • Explore the World: Take your time to explore every nook and cranny of the world. Hidden treasures, secret passages, and powerful artifacts await those who are brave enough to venture off the beaten path.
  • Master Your Skills: Experiment with different skills and abilities to find the perfect combination for your playstyle. Practice your combat skills to become a formidable force on the battlefield.
  • Team Up: Don't be afraid to team up with other players. Cooperative gameplay can enhance your gaming experience and allow you to tackle more challenging quests and enemies.
  • Complete Side Quests: While the main storyline is captivating, don't forget to embark on side quests. These quests often offer unique rewards and provide additional depth to the game's narrative.
  • Upgrade Your Gear: Keep an eye out for new weapons, armor, and accessories throughout your journey. Upgrading your gear will improve your hero's stats and give you an edge in battle.
  • Immerse Yourself: Immerse yourself in the rich lore and captivating story of Dungeon Siege III (3). Pay attention to the dialogue and interact with NPCs to uncover hidden secrets and unravel the mysteries of the world.

    Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: Is Dungeon Siege III (3) a new game?
    • A: Yes, Dungeon Siege III (3) is a brand new game that offers a fresh and immersive experience for players.

  • Q: Can I play Dungeon Siege III (3) on other platforms?
    • A: Dungeon Siege III (3) is currently available only on Xbox 360.

  • Q: What is the recommended age for playing Dungeon Siege III (3)?
    • A: The game has a PEGI rating of 16+, meaning it is suitable for players aged 16 and above.

  • Q: Does Dungeon Siege III (3) have multiplayer mode?
    • A: Yes, Dungeon Siege III (3) offers multiplayer co-op, allowing you to team up with friends and tackle challenges together.

  • Q: How long does it take to complete Dungeon Siege III (3)?
    • A: The game's length can vary depending on how much time you spend exploring and completing side quests, but on average, it takes around 30-40 hours to complete the main storyline.

  • Q: Are there different difficulty levels in Dungeon Siege III (3)?
    • A: Yes, Dungeon Siege III (3) offers multiple difficulty levels, allowing players to choose a challenge that suits their skill level.

  • Q: Can I customize my character in Dungeon Siege III (3)?
    • A: Absolutely! Dungeon Siege III (3) allows you to fully customize your hero, from their appearance to their skills and abilities.

  • Q: Are there any expansions or DLCs available for Dungeon Siege III (3)?
    • A: Unfortunately, there are no expansions or DLCs currently available for Dungeon Siege III (3).

  • Q: What languages are supported in Dungeon Siege III (3)?
    • A: The game's language on the back cover is English, and the audio is also in English.

  • Q: Is the product new and factory sealed?
    • A: Yes, the product is brand new and factory sealed, ensuring that you receive a pristine copy of Dungeon Siege III (3).

      Get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey full of adventure and excitement. Dungeon Siege III (3) is the game that will transport you to a world of magic, danger, and heroism. Embrace your destiny and save the kingdom from darkness!
New product

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
Xbox 360 - Games - Roleplaying
Xbox 360
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Release Date
Square Enix
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 16 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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