Caligula Effect 2
  • Caligula Effect 2

Caligula Effect 2


42.12 €

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H1: Explore a World of Intrigue and Rebellion in Caligula Effect 2

H2: Unleash your Imagination in the Latest RPG Sensation from NIS America

H3: Enter the immersive world of Caligula Effect 2, where reality and fantasy collide

H4: Immerse Yourself in a Gripping Storyline, Engaging Gameplay, and Stunning Visuals

The Caligula Effect 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed RPG, offering players a unique and immersive gaming experience. Developed by NIS America, this game takes you on a journey into a world where reality and fantasy intertwine, leaving players questioning their own perception of what is real.

Bold: Manufacturer's warranty: 36 Meses
Bold: Type: PAL EUR/UK
Bold: Format: Fisico
Bold: Gender: PlayStation 4 - Games - NIS - Roleplaying - Standard
Bold: Pegi: 12+
Bold: Platform: PlayStation 4
Bold: Language on Back Cover: English
Bold: Language in the Game (Audio): Japanese
Bold: Language in the Game (Subtitles): English
Bold: Game Name: Caligula Effect 2
Bold: Release Date: 2021-10-22
Bold: Editor: NIS America
Bold: Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 12 Jahren
Bold: Factory Sealing: If and translate them in English (English)

Manufacturer's Warranty: 36 Meses
This product comes with a manufacturer's warranty of 36 Meses, ensuring peace of mind and protection against any potential defects or issues that may arise.

The Caligula Effect 2 is designed for PAL EUR/UK systems, ensuring compatibility with your PlayStation 4 console.

Format: Fisico
This game is available in physical format, allowing collectors and gamers alike to enjoy the tactile experience of owning a physical copy.

Gender: PlayStation 4 - Games - NIS - Roleplaying - Standard
Caligula Effect 2 falls within the PlayStation 4 genre, specifically under games, NIS, role-playing, and standard editions. This means that you can expect an immersive role-playing experience tailored for the PlayStation 4 platform.

Pegi: 12+
The content of Caligula Effect 2 is rated Pegi 12+, making it suitable for players aged 12 years and older. The game offers a balanced mix of narrative depth and gameplay suitable for a wide audience.

Platform: PlayStation 4
Caligula Effect 2 is exclusively available on the PlayStation 4 platform, delivering the best experience possible on this console. Dive into the world of Caligula Effect 2 and experience all its wonders on your PlayStation 4.

Language on Back Cover: English
The back cover of Caligula Effect 2 is in English, ensuring that players can easily understand the game's key details and features.

Language in the Game (Audio): Japanese
Caligula Effect 2 features Japanese audio, allowing players to fully immerse themselves in the game's captivating storyline and emotional moments.

Language in the Game (Subtitles): English
For players who may not understand Japanese audio, rest assured that Caligula Effect 2 also offers English subtitles. This ensures that you won't miss out on any crucial dialogue or plot developments.

Game Name: Caligula Effect 2
As the name suggests, Caligula Effect 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the original game, offering an expanded universe, new characters, and a deeper storyline.

Release Date: 2021-10-22
Mark your calendars because Caligula Effect 2 is set to be released on October 22, 2021. Be one of the first to embark on this epic journey and experience all the excitement it has to offer.

Editor: NIS America
Caligula Effect 2 is developed by NIS America, a renowned publisher known for delivering high-quality and captivating gaming experiences. Expect nothing less than excellence from this talented team.

Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 12 Jahren
In Germany, Caligula Effect 2 is rated USK ab 12 Jahren, making it suitable for players aged 12 years and older. Rest assured that this game strikes a balance between mature themes and accessibility.

Factory Sealing: If and translate them in English (English)
When you receive your copy of Caligula Effect 2, it will be factory-sealed, ensuring that you are the first to open and experience this exciting adventure firsthand.

Product Condition: New


  • What is the gameplay like in Caligula Effect 2?
    Caligula Effect 2 offers a unique blend of traditional turn-based combat and innovative social simulation mechanics. Dive into strategic battles while also exploring the intricacies of interpersonal relationships within the game world.

  • Can I play Caligula Effect 2 on the PlayStation 5?
    No, Caligula Effect 2 is specifically designed for the PlayStation 4 platform. However, it is compatible with the PlayStation 5 through backward compatibility, allowing you to enjoy the game on the latest console with enhanced performance.

  • Is there an online multiplayer mode in Caligula Effect 2?
    No, Caligula Effect 2 focuses primarily on its single-player experience, immersing players in a rich and engaging narrative-driven RPG. Enjoy the game at your own pace without the need for online connectivity.

  • How long is the average playtime for Caligula Effect 2?
    The playtime for Caligula Effect 2 can vary depending on your personal playstyle and exploration habits. On average, players can expect a playtime of around 30 to 40 hours to complete the main story, with additional content and side quests extending the gameplay further.

  • Can I customize my character in Caligula Effect 2?
    While Caligula Effect 2 emphasizes its pre-established characters and their unique stories, players can still personalize their characters through various customization options such as outfits, accessories, and abilities.

  • Is Caligula Effect 2 beginner-friendly?
    Yes, Caligula Effect 2 is designed to be accessible to both newcomers and seasoned RPG players. The game offers a comprehensive tutorial system and adjustable difficulty settings, allowing players of all skill levels to enjoy the game at their own pace.

  • Are there multiple endings in Caligula Effect 2?
    Yes, Caligula Effect 2 features multiple branching paths and endings based on the choices you make throughout the game. Your decisions and interactions with characters will shape the outcome of the story, adding replayability and depth to the overall experience.

  • Are there any DLC or expansion packs planned for Caligula Effect 2?
    As of now, no official announcements have been made regarding DLC or expansion packs for Caligula Effect 2. However, the developers are known for supporting their games post-launch, so it's possible that additional content may be released in the future.

  • Can I transfer my save data from the previous game to Caligula Effect 2?
    Caligula Effect 2 is a standalone sequel and does not directly transfer save data from the previous game. However, the sequel expands upon the existing lore and universe, allowing players familiar with the original to dive deeper into the world they already know and love.

  • Can I play Caligula Effect 2 without playing the first game?
    Yes, Caligula Effect 2 is designed to be enjoyed as a standalone experience, meaning you can jump straight into the sequel without any prior knowledge of the first game. The story and characters are crafted in a way that will allow newcomers to fully understand and appreciate the narrative.
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Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation 4 - Games - NIS - Roleplaying - Standard
PlayStation 4
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
NIS America
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 12 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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