Hitman III (3) (import)
  • Hitman III (3) (import)

Hitman III (3) (import)


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Hitman III (3) (import): Experience the Ultimate Stealth Action Game

Are you ready to step into the shoes of the world's deadliest assassin once again? Look no further than Hitman III (3) (import), the highly anticipated conclusion to the critically acclaimed Hitman trilogy. Developed by IO Interactive and released on January 20, 2021, this game is an absolute must-have for fans of stealth action.

Unleash Your Killer Instinct with Hitman III (3) (import)

Manufacturer's Warranty: 36 Months

Hitman III (3) (import) offers an immersive gaming experience that will keep you hooked from start to finish. As a professional assassin, you are tasked with eliminating high-profile targets in exotic locations around the world. From skyscrapers in Dubai to the neon-lit streets of Tokyo, each mission presents unique challenges and opportunities for creative kills.


With its PAL EUR/UK format, Hitman III (3) (import) is compatible with PlayStation 4 consoles in Europe and the UK. Immerse yourself in the dark and thrilling world of Agent 47 as you navigate through intricately designed levels and execute precision kills.

Format: Fisico

This physical edition of Hitman III (3) (import) comes in a tangible form, allowing you to add it to your collection of PlayStation 4 games. Feel the excitement of holding the game in your hands as you prepare to embark on your next assassination mission.

Gender: PlayStation 4 - Games - IO Interactive - Stealth - Standard

As a stealth action game, Hitman III (3) (import) falls under the PlayStation 4 gaming category. With its standard edition, you can expect a comprehensive gameplay experience that will test your strategic thinking, patience, and ability to blend into your surroundings seamlessly.

Pegi: 18+

Hitman III (3) (import) is targeted towards mature audiences, as indicated by its PEGI 18+ rating. Brace yourself for intense and violent encounters as you eliminate your targets with ruthless efficiency. This game is not for the faint of heart.

Platform: PlayStation 4

Step into the shoes of Agent 47 on the PlayStation 4 platform with Hitman III (3) (import). Explore highly detailed environments, plan your assassinations meticulously, and execute them flawlessly using the intuitive controls of the PlayStation 4 controller.

Language on Back Cover: English

Rest assured that the back cover of Hitman III (3) (import) features English language, ensuring that you can easily understand the information provided about the game's storyline, features, and system requirements.

Language in the Game (Audio): English

Immerse yourself in the world of Hitman III (3) (import) with its English audio. Follow the dialogue and instructions from characters in the game as you navigate through each mission and unravel the complex web of intrigue surrounding Agent 47.

Language in the Game (Subtitles): English

For added convenience, Hitman III (3) (import) provides English subtitles, allowing you to fully grasp the details of the story and dialogue. Never miss a crucial piece of information as you carry out your deadly missions.

Game Name: Hitman III (3) (import)

Experience the ultimate power of the assassin with Hitman III (3) (import). Take control of Agent 47 as you infiltrate high-security locations, disguise yourself to blend in with the crowd, and eliminate your targets without leaving a trace.

Release Date: 2021-01-20

Mark your calendars for January 20, 2021, as Hitman III (3) (import) becomes available to the gaming community. Be among the first to experience the thrilling conclusion to the Hitman trilogy and witness the ultimate fate of Agent 47.

Editor: IO

Developed by IO Interactive, Hitman III (3) (import) boasts the expertise and creativity of a reputable game editor. Expect nothing less than a polished, engaging, and visually stunning gameplay experience that will leave you craving for more.

Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 18 Jahren

Are you residing in Germany? Fear not, as Hitman III (3) (import) is equivalent to the USK ab 18 Jahren classification. Immerse yourself in the world of assassination without any age restrictions holding you back.

Factory Sealing: If and translate them in English

Rest assured that your copy of Hitman III (3) (import) will come brand new and factory-sealed. Enjoy the satisfaction of breaking the seal, knowing that you are about to embark on an unforgettable journey filled with intrigue and danger.

Expert Advice: How to Make the Most of Hitman III (3) (import)

  • Explore Every Corner: Take your time to thoroughly explore each level in Hitman III (3) (import). You never know what hidden opportunities or secrets you might stumble upon. Look for disguises, eavesdrop on conversations, and discover alternative routes to your targets.

  • Plan Your Kills: Before making a move, carefully plan your approach. Study your target's routines, identify their weaknesses, and consider different methods of elimination. From poisoning drinks to orchestrating accidents, creativity is the key to success.

  • Blend In: Blend into your surroundings to avoid detection. Wear disguises, interact with NPCs, and behave like a regular visitor to the location. The more inconspicuous you are, the higher your chances of executing the perfect kill without raising any alarms.

  • Experiment with Weapons and Tools: Hitman III (3) (import) offers a wide range of weapons and tools to aid you in your missions. Experiment with different combinations to find the perfect setup for each scenario. Whether it's a sniper rifle, a lethal syringe, or a distraction device, choose your tools wisely.

  • Challenge Yourself with Contracts: Once you've completed the main story, dive into the world of player-created contracts. These unique challenges will test your skills and creativity as you attempt to eliminate targets under specific conditions. Can you top the leaderboards?

  • Stay Stealthy: Stealth is your best friend in Hitman III (3) (import). Use shadows, cover, and distractions to your advantage. By remaining undetected, you can silently eliminate your targets and disappear without a trace.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  • Can I play Hitman III (3) (import) on PlayStation 5?
    Yes, Hitman III (3) (import) is backward compatible with PlayStation 5 consoles. However, please note that the game is optimized for PlayStation 4.

  • Does Hitman III (3) (import) require an internet connection?
    While an internet connection is not required to play the main story campaign, online features such as leaderboards and user-created contracts may require internet access.

  • Is Hitman III (3) (import) a standalone game, or do I need to play the previous titles in the series?
    Hitman III (3) (import) can be enjoyed as a standalone game. However, playing the previous titles in the series will enhance your overall understanding of the story and characters.

  • Can I customize Agent 47's appearance in Hitman III (3) (import)?
    Unfortunately, customization options for Agent 47's appearance are limited in Hitman III (3) (import). However, you can unlock various disguises throughout the game to change your appearance temporarily.

  • How long is the main story campaign in Hitman III (3) (import)?
    The length of the main story campaign in Hitman III (3) (import) can vary depending on individual playstyles. On average, it takes around 10 to 15 hours to complete the main story missions.

  • Are there multiple difficulty levels in Hitman III (3) (import)?
    Yes, Hitman III (3) (import) offers multiple difficulty levels to cater to different players' preferences. Whether you're a seasoned assassin looking for a challenge or a newcomer to the series, there's a difficulty setting for everyone.

  • Can I replay missions in Hitman III (3) (import)?
    Absolutely! Hitman III (3) (import) encourages replayability by allowing players to revisit completed missions. Discover new approaches, complete challenges, and aim for a higher score with each playthrough.

  • Is there a multiplayer mode in Hitman III (3) (import)?
    No, Hitman III (3) (import) does not feature a traditional multiplayer mode. However, the game includes online features such as leaderboards and user-created contracts, which add a competitive element.

  • Does Hitman III (3) (import) have a photo mode?
    Yes, Hitman III (3) (import) includes a photo mode that lets you capture stunning in-game moments. Pause the action, adjust camera settings, and unleash your creativity to create memorable snapshots.

  • What is the recommended age for playing Hitman III (3) (import)?
    Hitman III (3) (import) is rated PEGI 18+ and is intended for mature audiences due to its violence and adult themes. Parents are advised to consider the content of the game before allowing younger players to experience it.
New product

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation 4 - Games - IO Interactive - Stealth - Standard
PlayStation 4
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 18 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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