Lord of Arcana
  • Lord of Arcana

Lord of Arcana


6.75 €

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Lord of Arcana - The Ultimate Battle Begins!

Are you ready to embark on an epic journey filled with thrilling combat and mythical creatures? Look no further than Lord of Arcana, the ultimate action-packed game that will leave you on the edge of your seat!

Unleash Your Inner Warrior

In this adrenaline-fueled adventure, you will step into the shoes of a powerful warrior, destined to be the savior of a world engulfed in chaos. Armed with your weapon of choice, you will battle hordes of terrifying monsters and fierce bosses, pushing the limits of your strength and skills.

Explore a Vibrant Fantasy World

With its stunning graphics and immersive gameplay, Lord of Arcana transports you to a visually captivating realm teeming with mystical wonders. From lush forests to desolate wastelands, every environment is beautifully rendered, making your exploration all the more engaging.

Engage in Intense Combat

Prepare yourself for heart-pounding battles as you face off against ferocious creatures determined to put an end to your quest. Utilize a wide range of weapons, each with unique abilities and playstyles, to unleash devastating combos and overpower your enemies.

Bold: Manufacturer's warranty: 36 Meses
Format: Fisico
Gender: PlayStation Portable - Games - Square Enix - Standard
Platform: PlayStation Portable
Game Name: Lord of Arcana
Editor: Square Enix
Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 16 Jahren
Factory Sealing: If

Personalization and Customization

Take control of your destiny by customizing your character to suit your playstyle. Choose from a variety of armor sets and weapons, each offering its own unique benefits and abilities. Enhance your gear with powerful enchantments and upgrades, ensuring that you are always one step ahead of your adversaries.

Multiplayer Madness

Why go it alone when you can team up with friends for even more epic battles? Lord of Arcana offers an exhilarating multiplayer experience, allowing you to join forces with up to three other players as you tackle challenging quests and take down formidable foes together.

Best Practices and Expert Advice

To make the most out of your gaming experience, we recommend taking the following tips into consideration:

  1. Master Your Weapon: Experiment with different weapon types to find the one that suits your preferred playstyle. Each weapon has its own unique moveset and abilities, so take the time to practice and perfect your techniques.

  2. Upgrade Wisely: As you progress through the game, you will come across various materials and resources that can be used to upgrade your equipment. Choose your upgrades carefully, focusing on enhancing your strengths and compensating for any weaknesses.

  3. Study Your Enemies: Knowledge is power, and in Lord of Arcana, it can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Take the time to study the behavior and attack patterns of each enemy you encounter. This will allow you to anticipate their moves and plan your strategies accordingly.

  4. Teamwork Makes the Dream Work: In multiplayer mode, communication and coordination are key. Make sure to strategize with your teammates, assign roles, and work together to overcome challenging obstacles and bosses.

  5. Never Stop Exploring: The world of Lord of Arcana is vast and full of hidden secrets. Take the time to explore every nook and cranny, as you never know what treasures or powerful items you may discover along the way.

  6. Challenge Yourself: Don't shy away from difficult quests or bosses. By pushing yourself to overcome greater challenges, you will improve your skills, unlock new content, and experience the true depth of the game.

    FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  • How many players can play Lord of Arcana in multiplayer mode?
    • Lord of Arcana supports up to four players in multiplayer mode, allowing you to team up with friends for epic battles.

  • Can I customize my character's appearance in the game?
    • Yes, Lord of Arcana offers a wide range of options for customizing your character's appearance, including different hairstyles, facial features, and outfits.

  • Is there a storyline in Lord of Arcana?
    • Absolutely! Lord of Arcana features a captivating storyline that will keep you engaged from beginning to end. Uncover the secrets of the world and discover your true destiny as the chosen one.

  • Are there different difficulty levels in Lord of Arcana?
    • Yes, Lord of Arcana offers multiple difficulty levels, allowing both casual and hardcore gamers to enjoy the game at their own pace.

  • Can I play Lord of Arcana on my PlayStation Portable?
    • Yes, Lord of Arcana is compatible with PlayStation Portable consoles.

  • How long does it take to complete Lord of Arcana?
    • The length of the game can vary depending on your playstyle and the amount of time you dedicate to exploration and side quests. On average, completing the main story will take approximately 20-30 hours.

  • Can I trade items with other players in Lord of Arcana?
    • Unfortunately, item trading is not a feature in Lord of Arcana.

  • Are there any downloadable content (DLC) available for Lord of Arcana?
    • Yes, there are additional DLC packs available for Lord of Arcana, offering new quests, weapons, and armor sets to enhance your gaming experience.

  • Can I replay completed quests in Lord of Arcana?
    • Yes, once you have completed a quest, you have the option to replay it at any time for additional rewards and challenges.

  • Is Lord of Arcana suitable for players of all ages?
    • Lord of Arcana is rated USK ab 16 Jahren, indicating that it is suitable for players aged 16 and above due to its fantasy violence and intense combat.
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Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation Portable - Games - Square Enix - Standard
PlayStation Portable
Square Enix
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 16 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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