Samurai Warriors 5
  • Samurai Warriors 5

Samurai Warriors 5


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Samurai Warriors 5

Unleash Your Inner Warrior with Samurai Warriors 5!

Are you ready to step into the shoes of a fearless samurai and embark on an epic journey through ancient Japan? Look no further than Samurai Warriors 5, the latest installment in the beloved hack-and-slash franchise. Immerse yourself in a world of honor, courage, and intense battles as you fight to unite the war-torn land.

The Ultimate Samurai Experience

Samurai Warriors 5 offers players an immersive and authentic samurai experience like never before. With stunning visuals, captivating storytelling, and a deep and engaging combat system, this game will keep you hooked for hours on end. Take control of legendary samurai warriors and lead them into battle against hordes of enemies, using your skills, weapons, and strategic tactics to emerge victorious.

Manufacturer's Warranty: 36 Months

When you invest in Samurai Warriors 5, you can rest easy knowing that you are covered by a generous manufacturer's warranty. Enjoy 36 months of worry-free gaming, knowing that any potential issues or defects will be taken care of promptly and efficiently.

Physical Format for Added Convenience

Samurai Warriors 5 is available in a physical format, making it even easier for you to enjoy the game without any hassle. Simply pop the game cartridge into your Nintendo Switch console, and you're ready to embark on your samurai adventure. No need to worry about downloading or installing the game – it's all right there in front of you.

Gender: Nintendo Switch - Games - Koei Tecmo Europe Ltd - Standard

Samurai Warriors 5 is suitable for players of all genders, with its inclusive design and gameplay. Regardless of your gender identity, you can fully immerse yourself in the rich and captivating world of samurai warriors.

PEGI: 16+

Please note that Samurai Warriors 5 has a PEGI rating of 16+, indicating that it is suitable for players aged 16 and above. The game contains content that may not be suitable for younger audiences, including intense violence and mature themes. Make sure to consider this rating before purchasing the game for yourself or others.

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Samurai Warriors 5 is specifically designed for the Nintendo Switch platform, ensuring a seamless and optimized gaming experience. Take advantage of the console's unique features, such as motion controls and handheld mode, to fully immerse yourself in the world of samurai warriors.

Language on Back Cover: English

The back cover of Samurai Warriors 5 features English language text, providing all the essential information you need about the game. This makes it easy for English-speaking players to understand the game's features, storyline, and more.

Language in the Game (Audio): English

Immerse yourself even further in the world of Samurai Warriors 5 with English language audio. Experience epic battles and captivating dialogue in your native language, enhancing your connection to the game's characters and storyline.

Language in the Game (Subtitles): English, German, French

Whether you prefer to play with subtitles or need assistance understanding the game's dialogue, Samurai Warriors 5 has got you covered. The game offers multiple language options for subtitles, including English, German, and French. Choose the language that suits you best and enjoy an immersive gaming experience.

Game Name: Samurai Warriors 5

As the name suggests, Samurai Warriors 5 is the fifth installment in the critically acclaimed Samurai Warriors series. With each new installment, the game only gets better, offering improved graphics, gameplay mechanics, and storytelling. Step into the world of samurais and experience the thrill of battle in this highly anticipated game.

Release Date: 2021-07-27

Mark your calendars! Samurai Warriors 5 is set to release on July 27, 2021. Be one of the first to embark on this epic samurai adventure and experience all the thrills and excitement that await.

Editor: KOEI

Samurai Warriors 5 is developed and published by KOEI, a renowned name in the gaming industry. With their expertise and dedication to creating immersive and high-quality games, you can trust that Samurai Warriors 5 will deliver an unforgettable gaming experience.

Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 16 Jahren

For our German players, Samurai Warriors 5 carries the USK rating of "ab 16 Jahren," indicating that it is suitable for players aged 16 and above. This rating ensures that the game complies with German regulations and provides an appropriate gaming experience.

Factory Sealing: If and translate them into English (English)

Rest assured that when you purchase Samurai Warriors 5, you will receive a factory-sealed copy. This guarantees that the game is brand new and has not been tampered with or used. Open the seal and dive into the world of samurais with complete peace of mind.

Expert Advice: How to Maximize Your Samurai Warriors 5 Experience

  • Immerse Yourself in the Story: Take the time to fully immerse yourself in the rich and captivating storyline of Samurai Warriors 5. Get to know the characters, understand their motivations, and witness their growth throughout the game. This will enhance your overall experience and make the battles even more meaningful.

  • Master the Combat System: Samurai Warriors 5 features a deep and engaging combat system that rewards strategy, timing, and skill. Take the time to master the various weapons and abilities of each character, experiment with different playstyles, and find the perfect balance between offense and defense. By becoming a master of combat, you'll be able to unleash devastating attacks and overcome even the toughest enemies.

  • Explore the Open World: Don't rush through the main story missions – take the time to explore the open world of Samurai Warriors 5. Discover hidden treasures, complete side quests, and interact with non-playable characters to uncover additional lore and rewards. The game offers a vast and immersive world just waiting to be explored, so make the most of it.

  • Upgrade Your Weapons and Abilities: As you progress through Samurai Warriors 5, you'll earn experience points and collect valuable resources. Use these to upgrade your weapons and abilities, making your character even stronger and more formidable. Customizing your loadout to suit your playstyle will give you an edge in battle and ensure your success on the battlefield.

  • Play with Friends: Samurai Warriors 5 offers multiplayer modes that allow you to team up with friends and tackle challenges together. Coordinate your strategies, combine your unique abilities, and conquer the toughest battles as a group. Playing with friends not only enhances the social aspect of the game but also adds an extra layer of excitement and coordination.

  • Create Your Own Samurai: Empires: Keep an eye out for the upcoming Samurai Warriors 5 expansion, "Samurai Warriors 5: Empires." This expansion will introduce a new mode that allows you to create your own samurai and shape the fate of Japan. Unleash your creativity and strategic thinking as you build your empire and forge alliances in a dynamic and ever-changing world.

    With these expert tips and advice, you'll be well-equipped to dive into the world of Samurai Warriors 5 and embark on an unforgettable samurai adventure.

    FAQ about Samurai Warriors 5

  • Q: Can I play Samurai Warriors 5 on other platforms besides Nintendo Switch?
    • A: At the moment, Samurai Warriors 5 is specifically designed for the Nintendo Switch platform. There is no official confirmation regarding its availability on other platforms.

  • Q: Are there microtransactions in Samurai Warriors 5?
    • A: No, Samurai Warriors 5 does not include microtransactions. Once you purchase the game, you can enjoy all its features without any additional costs.

  • Q: Is Samurai Warriors 5 suitable for players new to the series?
    • A: Absolutely! Samurai Warriors 5 is a great entry point for newcomers to the series. The game offers a fresh start with a new story and characters, allowing players to jump right in without any prior knowledge of the previous games.

  • Q: Can I play Samurai Warriors 5 multiplayer with friends online?
    • A: Currently, Samurai Warriors 5 does not support online multiplayer. However, it does offer local multiplayer modes, allowing you to team up with friends or family members on the same Nintendo Switch console.

  • Q: Does Samurai Warriors 5 offer different difficulty modes?
    • A: Yes, Samurai Warriors 5 offers multiple difficulty modes to cater to players of different skill levels. Whether you're a seasoned warrior or a casual gamer, you can adjust the difficulty settings to suit your preferences.

  • Q: Are there any special bonuses or pre-order incentives for Samurai Warriors 5?
    • A: It's always a good idea to check with your retailer or the official website for any special bonuses or pre-order incentives that may be available for Samurai Warriors 5. These can include exclusive costumes, weapons, or in-game items.

  • Q: Can I customize the appearance of my character in Samurai Warriors 5?
    • A: While you cannot fully customize the appearance of the main characters in Samurai Warriors 5, you can unlock and equip various costumes and weapons as you progress through the game. This allows for some personalization and adds a unique touch to your samurai warrior.

  • Q: Does Samurai Warriors 5 have a New Game Plus feature?
    • A: Yes, Samurai Warriors 5 offers a New Game Plus feature. Once you have completed the game, you can start a new playthrough while retaining certain progress, abilities, and resources from your previous playthrough.

  • Q: Can I replay missions or chapters in Samurai Warriors 5?
    • A: Yes, Samurai Warriors 5 allows you to replay missions or chapters at any time. This gives you the opportunity to revisit your favorite battles, complete additional objectives, or try out different strategies.

  • Q: Is there a season pass or downloadable content planned for Samurai Warriors 5?
    • A: While there is no official confirmation regarding a season pass or downloadable content for Samurai Warriors 5, it is always worth keeping an eye on official announcements and updates from the game's developers.

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
Nintendo Switch - Games - Koei Tecmo Europe Ltd - Standard
Nintendo Switch
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 16 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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