BlazBlue: Central Fiction
  • BlazBlue: Central Fiction

BlazBlue: Central Fiction


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BlazBlue: Central Fiction - The Ultimate Fighting Game for Nintendo Switch

H1: BlazBlue: Central Fiction - The Ultimate Fighting Game for Nintendo Switch

H2: Unleash Your Inner Fighter with BlazBlue: Central Fiction

H3: A Thrilling and Intense Gaming Experience

H4: The Definitive Edition of the Popular BlazBlue Series

Are you ready to take on the most exhilarating and action-packed fighting game on Nintendo Switch? Look no further than BlazBlue: Central Fiction. This ultimate fighting game is a must-have addition to any gamer's collection. Immerse yourself in a world of intense battles, stunning visuals, and a compelling storyline that will keep you hooked. With its fast-paced gameplay and a wide selection of characters to choose from, this game offers endless hours of excitement and entertainment.

BlazBlue: Central Fiction comes with a range of features that make it the perfect choice for both casual and hardcore gamers. Let's take a closer look at what sets this game apart from the rest:

Key Features

  • Manufacturer's warranty: 36 Meses: Rest assured knowing that your copy of BlazBlue: Central Fiction comes with a reliable manufacturer's warranty for added peace of mind.

  • Format: Fisico: BlazBlue: Central Fiction is available in a physical format, allowing you to hold this masterpiece in your hands and add it to your gaming collection.

  • Gender: Nintendo Switch - Games - Pqube - Standard: This game is suitable for all genders, ensuring that everyone can enjoy the thrilling gameplay BlazBlue: Central Fiction has to offer.

  • Pegi: 12+: Rated suitable for ages 12 and above, this game strikes the perfect balance between accessibility and challenging gameplay.

  • Platform: Nintendo Switch: Take your gaming experience to the next level with BlazBlue: Central Fiction on the Nintendo Switch, a versatile console that allows you to enjoy gaming anywhere, anytime.

  • Language on Back Cover: Italian, Spanish, English, French: BlazBlue: Central Fiction provides language options for players around the world, ensuring that everyone can fully understand and enjoy the game.

  • Language in the Game (Audio): English: Immerse yourself in the captivating world of BlazBlue: Central Fiction with English audio that brings the characters and their stories to life.

  • Language in the Game (Subtitles): English: Dive deeper into the intricate storyline of BlazBlue: Central Fiction with English subtitles that let you follow every twist and turn.

  • Game Name: BlazBlue: Central Fiction: The very name "BlazBlue: Central Fiction" evokes excitement and anticipation, promising an unforgettable gaming experience.

  • Release Date: 2016-12-02: Since its release in 2016, BlazBlue: Central Fiction has captivated gamers worldwide with its stunning visuals and engaging gameplay.

  • Editor: Pqube: With Pqube as the editor, you can trust that BlazBlue: Central Fiction is a high-quality game that delivers on all fronts.

  • Equivalent USK Germany: USK ab 12 Jahren: Rated suitable for ages 12 and above by the German USK rating system, BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers thrilling battles for players of various ages.

  • Factory Sealing: Your copy of BlazBlue: Central Fiction comes factory-sealed, ensuring that you receive a brand new and untouched game that is ready for hours of intense gaming action.

    Unleash Your Inner Fighter

    Get ready to engage in heart-pounding battles as you unleash your inner fighter in the world of BlazBlue: Central Fiction. The game offers a diverse roster of characters, each with their own unique fighting style and special abilities. Choose your favorite character and embark on a thrilling journey filled with epic battles, intense rivalries, and unexpected plot twists.

    BlazBlue: Central Fiction is known for its fast-paced gameplay that keeps you on your toes. Master the art of combos, learn devastating special moves, and execute powerful Astral Heats to dominate your opponents. Whether you prefer close-quarters combat or long-range tactics, this game offers a playstyle for every type of fighter.

    Experience the stunning visuals of BlazBlue: Central Fiction, featuring beautifully rendered backgrounds, fluid animations, and vibrant colors. Immerse yourself in the rich and detailed world that this game has to offer. The captivating soundtrack further enhances the gaming experience, creating an atmosphere that draws you deeper into the game's intricate storyline.

    Best Practices and Expert Tips

    To fully enjoy BlazBlue: Central Fiction and get the most out of your gaming experience, we recommend the following best practices:

  1. Learn the Basics: Take the time to familiarize yourself with the game mechanics, such as blocking, dodging, and executing special moves. This will give you a solid foundation to build upon as you progress through the game.

  2. Experiment with Different Characters: BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers a wide range of characters, each with their own playstyle and abilities. Experiment with different characters to find the one that suits your preferred fighting style.

  3. Master Combos and Special Moves: Practice executing combos and special moves to unleash devastating attacks on your opponents. Timing is crucial, so take the time to perfect your execution.

  4. Participate in Online Matches: Test your skills against other players from around the world by participating in online matches. This will not only challenge you but also provide an opportunity to learn from others and improve your gameplay.

  5. Explore the Story Mode: Dive deep into the captivating storyline of BlazBlue: Central Fiction by playing the Story Mode. Follow the journeys of various characters and unravel the mysteries of the BlazBlue universe.

  6. Play with Friends: Gather your friends for intense multiplayer battles and experience the thrill of competing against each other. BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers various multiplayer modes that are perfect for group play.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

    Here are some commonly asked questions about BlazBlue: Central Fiction:

  • Q: Is BlazBlue: Central Fiction compatible with all Nintendo Switch models?
    • A: Yes, BlazBlue: Central Fiction is compatible with all models of the Nintendo Switch.

  • Q: How many playable characters are there in BlazBlue: Central Fiction?
    • A: BlazBlue: Central Fiction features a roster of over 30 unique and diverse playable characters.

  • Q: Can I play BlazBlue: Central Fiction offline?
    • A: Yes, BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers both offline and online gameplay modes, allowing you to enjoy the game even without an internet connection.

  • Q: Is BlazBlue: Central Fiction suitable for beginners?
    • A: While BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers a challenging gameplay experience, it also provides options for beginners to ease into the game. With practice and perseverance, players of all skill levels can enjoy this game.

  • Q: Does BlazBlue: Central Fiction have a competitive scene?
    • A: Yes, BlazBlue: Central Fiction has a dedicated and passionate competitive scene with tournaments and events held worldwide.

  • Q: Are there any additional downloadable content (DLC) available for BlazBlue: Central Fiction?
    • A: Yes, BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers additional DLC content, such as new characters and costumes, to further enhance your gaming experience.

  • Q: Can I customize my controls in BlazBlue: Central Fiction?
    • A: Yes, BlazBlue: Central Fiction allows you to customize your controls to suit your personal preferences and playstyle.

  • Q: Is BlazBlue: Central Fiction suitable for younger players?
    • A: BlazBlue: Central Fiction is rated Pegi 12+, indicating that it may not be suitable for very young players. We recommend checking the game's rating and content before allowing younger players to experience it.

  • Q: How long is the average playtime for BlazBlue: Central Fiction?
    • A: The average playtime for BlazBlue: Central Fiction can vary depending on various factors, such as the game mode and the player's skill level. However, the game offers a substantial amount of content that can provide hours of gameplay.

  • Q: Is BlazBlue: Central Fiction available in other languages besides English?
    • A: Yes, BlazBlue: Central Fiction offers language options for Italian, Spanish, and French, allowing players from different regions to fully enjoy the game.

      This product is brand new and comes factory-sealed, ensuring that you receive a pristine copy of BlazBlue: Central Fiction ready to unleash its gaming magic.

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
Nintendo Switch - Games - Pqube - Standard
Nintendo Switch
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 12 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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