Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition)
  • Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition)

Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition)


17.75 €

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Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition)

Experience the epic tale of Tales Of Symphonia in a whole new light with the Remastered Chosen Edition for PlayStation 4. This definitive edition brings the beloved JRPG to the modern age with stunning visuals, enhanced gameplay, and a wealth of bonus content. Delve into a rich and immersive world filled with captivating characters, intense battles, and a gripping narrative that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Join forces with the chosen ones, embark on a dangerous journey, and save the world from impending doom.

Unleash the Power of the Chosen Ones

In Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition), you will follow the journey of Lloyd Irving and his friends as they become embroiled in a conflict that spans two worlds. With the fate of both realms hanging in the balance, it is up to the chosen ones to restore the balance and bring about peace. As you explore the vast and diverse landscapes, encounter a variety of colorful characters, and engage in thrilling battles, you will uncover the secrets of the ancient past and unlock the true power of the chosen ones.

Enhanced Graphics and Gameplay

The Remastered Chosen Edition takes full advantage of the power of the PlayStation 4 to deliver an unforgettable visual experience. The game features updated graphics, enhanced character models, and improved textures, bringing the world of Tales Of Symphonia to life like never before. Immerse yourself in the stunning environments, vibrant colors, and breathtaking cutscenes as you embark on your adventure. Additionally, the gameplay has been tweaked and refined to offer smoother controls, faster combat, and a more intuitive user interface, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.

A Wealth of Bonus Content

As part of the Chosen Edition, this remastered version of Tales Of Symphonia includes a wealth of bonus content that will delight both new and returning players. Dive deeper into the lore with additional story scenes and character interactions, and uncover hidden secrets and side quests that were not available in the original game. Furthermore, the Chosen Edition comes with exclusive DLC costumes, artbook, and a soundtrack CD, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the world of Tales Of Symphonia and its rich universe.

Multi-Language Support

The Remastered Chosen Edition caters to gamers from various regions with its extensive language options. The back cover of the game is available in English, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, and Portuguese. In terms of in-game language support, players can choose between English and Japanese audio, as well as opt for subtitles in Japanese, English, German, Spanish, French, Italian, or Russian. This ensures that players can fully enjoy the game in their preferred language, enhancing the immersive experience and understanding of the intricate plot.

Best Practices and Expert Advice

To make the most of your Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition) experience, here are some best practices and expert advice:

  • Immerse Yourself in the World: Take the time to explore the vast and beautifully crafted world of Tales Of Symphonia. Engage with NPCs, complete side quests, and uncover hidden treasures to fully immerse yourself in the game's rich universe.
  • Master the Combat System: The combat system in Tales Of Symphonia is fast-paced and action-packed. Take advantage of the intricacies of the battle system, such as combos, special moves, and elemental weaknesses, to gain the upper hand in battles.
  • Upgrade Your Weapons and Abilities: As you progress through the game, make sure to upgrade your weapons and abilities to stay ahead of the challenging enemies you will encounter. Experiment with different combinations to find the best setup for your playstyle.
  • Enjoy the Bonus Content: Don't forget to take advantage of the bonus content included in the Chosen Edition. Dive deeper into the lore with additional story scenes, rock out to the exclusive soundtrack, and dress up your favorite characters with the DLC costumes.
  • Connect with the Community: Tales Of Symphonia has a dedicated and passionate fanbase. Connect with fellow players, share your experiences, and discover new strategies and tips to enhance your gameplay.

    FAQ about Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition)

  • Q: Is Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition) compatible with PlayStation 4?
    • A: Yes, this game is specifically designed for PlayStation 4.

  • Q: Does the Chosen Edition come with any bonus content?
    • A: Yes, the Chosen Edition includes exclusive DLC costumes, an artbook, and a soundtrack CD.

  • Q: Can I play the game in languages other than English?
    • A: Yes, the game supports multiple languages, including English, Japanese, French, German, Spanish, Italian, and Russian.

  • Q: How long is the gameplay experience in Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition)?
    • A: The gameplay experience can vary depending on individual playstyles and exploration, but on average, it can take around 40-50 hours to complete the main storyline.

  • Q: Are there any multiplayer options in the game?
    • A: Yes, Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition) features local multiplayer options, allowing you to team up with friends and tackle challenges together.

  • Q: Is this a remastered version of the original Tales Of Symphonia game?
    • A: Yes, the Chosen Edition is a remastered version of the beloved Tales Of Symphonia game, featuring enhanced graphics, gameplay improvements, and additional content.

  • Q: Can I transfer my progress from the original Tales Of Symphonia game to the Remastered Chosen Edition?
    • A: Unfortunately, progress cannot be transferred between different versions of the game. However, the Chosen Edition offers a fresh and updated experience that is worth diving into.

  • Q: Is Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition) suitable for younger players?
    • A: The game has a PEGI rating of 12+, indicating that it may contain content that is not suitable for younger players. Parents or guardians are encouraged to review the game's content before allowing younger individuals to play.

  • Q: Does the game come with a manufacturer's warranty?
    • A: Yes, the Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition) comes with a 36-month manufacturer's warranty for added peace of mind.

  • Q: Are the game discs factory sealed?
    • A: Yes, the game discs are factory sealed to ensure that you receive a brand new and pristine copy of Tales Of Symphonia Remastered (Chosen Edition).
168 Items

Data sheet

Manufacturer's warranty
36 Meses
PlayStation 4 - Games - Namco Bandai - JRPG - Chosen Edition
PlayStation 4
Language on Back Cover
Language in the Game (Audio)
Language in the Game (Subtitles)
Release Date
Equivalent USK Germany
USK ab 12 Jahren
Factory Sealing
  • Name : 30 day return policy
  • Description

    We will send a replacement (Credit Request). We will pick up the item you wish to return within 6 days. We hope you understand that we can only accept items for return if they have not been used or tampered with. Original packaging and accessories also need to be returned along with the item.

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